L’intérieur des Converses a changé ! | Change inside Converse Chucks!
Converse lovers, you have probably noticed if you have acquired a pair of brand new Converse Chucks made very recently: they are different from all…
Converse lovers, you have probably noticed if you have acquired a pair of brand new Converse Chucks made very recently: they are different from all…
This article is specifically about low-top Chucks, which have a brand patch sewn to the top of the tongue. Cet article concerne spécifiquement les Converses…
Other ads from the 1990s and 2000s | Autres publicités des années 1990 et 2000 In the 2000s, some department stores advertised for exclusive Converse…
Converse All Star advertising from 1967 to the present day | Publicités Converse All Star de 1967 à nos jours Part 2 | Partie 2…
Converse All Star advertising from 1967 to the present day | Publicités Converse All Star de 1967 à nos jours Part 1 | Partie 1…
Converse All Star heel patch evolution Évolution de la plaque de talon des Converse All Star This article is about one of the characteristic elements…
Converse All Star advertising from 1930 to 1967 Publicités Converse All Star de 1930 à 1967 Part 2 | Partie 2 1957, the launching of…
Converse All Star advertising from 1930 to 1967 Publicités Converse All Star de 1930 à 1967 Part 1 | Partie 1 The advertisings alternatively used…
Counterfeit 4B4PDS4W00340 Contrefaçon 4B4PDS4W00340 Beware, here is a recent counterfeit difficult to spot without seeing the patch placed under the tongue.This counterfeit always has the…
Fake JNSSD2H200668 Contrefaçon JNSSD2H200668 This 3rd article devoted to counterfeits of Converse All Star shoes covers the counterfeit bearing the serial number JNSSD2H200668 and the…