Converse tongue patch : evolution | Patch sous la languette d’une Converse : évolution
The patch under the tongue of a Converse has undergone many changes over the past fifteen years. I invite you to discover these evolutions. In…
If you want to know everything about Chucks, it’s here!
Si vous voulez tout savoir sur les Converses, c’est ici !
The patch under the tongue of a Converse has undergone many changes over the past fifteen years. I invite you to discover these evolutions. In…
Piecing together the evolution of Converse All Star boxes over time is not straightforward when it comes to the period when Converse Chucks were still…
Converse lovers, you have probably noticed if you have acquired a pair of brand new Converse Chucks made very recently: they are different from all…
This article is specifically about low-top Chucks, which have a brand patch sewn to the top of the tongue. Cet article concerne spécifiquement les Converses…
Date 0001 For this first article devoted to the anomalies and rarities that can be observed on the tongue patch of the Converse All Star…
Converse All Star heel patch evolution Évolution de la plaque de talon des Converse All Star This article is about one of the characteristic elements…
It is very easy to know the exact date of manufacture of a pair of Converses: you have to look for this on the patch…
The SKU or Stock Keeping Unit is the code identifying a reference of Converse All Star shoes. It is either:• A 6-digit number (example 103011),…
Have you ever looked under the tongue of a Converse sneaker? A well hidden place but which contains one of the most interesting element. At…
The first thing is to say what you are talking about and use the right words to describe the low-top Converse All Star. I therefore…